Monday, August 8, 2011

James 2 - How we should treat each other

Hey Vibers!  Just wanted to recap a little of what we talked about a week ago when we talked about the 2nd chapter in James.  God’s really been teaching me a lot about just how important community is in our lives.  
The need for relationship with others is one thing that drives all of us whether we are Christian or non-Christian. We, by nature, understand that we need each other.
James wrote to a church where division was starting to happen, and people were starting to act in ways that contradicted what they said they believed.  One way this played out was favoritism.  Certain people in the church were starting to show distinction to the people above them while neglecting the poor, and treating them as if they were inferior.  James launches an attack against this, and brings up two great points that I think we can even learn from.
One, why are we judging those “below” us when they are the very people who will inherit the kingdom of God as Jesus said during the Sermon on the Mount?  Why should we dishonor the very people God is going to honor?  It doesn’t really sound like a good idea to deliberately hurt and take advantage these people now does it?  My question for you is this: Who are those people in your life that you’re taking advantage of?  You probably think they’re below you, and James flat out tells us that we have “become judges with evil thoughts” when we treat them differently in this way.
Second, James points out that they’re trying to please the very people who are oppressing them.  Why do we want to impress and gain the approval of those people who take advantage of us?  Do we so desperately want to be part of the “in-crowd” that we’ll do whatever it takes to get there?
James taps into one of the most common struggles I know of, and that is people pleasing.  
Chances are these people were trying to gain the approval of those above them, because they could gain something from it.  Whether it was a ticket into the in-crowd, or to be able to say they know someone in a high place, they were nonetheless seeking the approval of man over God.  Are you doing this in your own life?  I know I’m prone to do it at times, and chances are that you are too.  Take a little bit to evaluate your life and make sure you’re seeking to please and glorify God rather than gain the approval of man.  It’s one of the easiest pitfalls to struggle with, and we need to constantly be wary of it.
We all fall short, but fortunately a trusting belief in Christ’s sacrifice allows us to become Christians and move under the law of liberty that James mentions in 2:12.  We are now free to obey God, and we gain rewards in Heaven for doing it as James points out in that same verse. (Also see 2 Corinthians 5:10).  In the end mercy is going to triumph over judgment, so we need to be willing to extend mercy to everyone.  This is the way James calls us to act.  Rather than be judgmental and think of ourselves as better than others, we need to learn to love and show mercy to everyone we come into contact with.
We ended the night with a song talking about our need for each other, and you can watch it below.  In the song “We Need Each Other,” by Sanctus Real, there’s a line that says, “if we’d only learn to love.”  That is so true!  Loving others does not come naturally.  It’s not our default.  It’s easier to love ourselves before God and others.  We talked about it briefly, but our actions need to line up with our faith.  Do people look at you and know that you love others.  Your actions are going to show what you truly believe and value.  A faith that does not produce works is a dead one according to James.  
If we’re going to say relationships are important, it’s time we stepped up and showed it.  We need to LEARN to love and SHOW others that we love them!
~Kyle Davison

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