Monday, April 27, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Scarred - Pain From Within

Hey there Tribe!
Last night was an amazing night!  I was so glad to see all of you guys there and so focused on God.  Last night's topic was difficult and a little dark.  We asked the question, "How can God heal scars that we can't even see?" I can think back to different times in my life where people said something harsh to me and it deeply impacted my thoughts about myself.  Maybe you are the same way.  Words like "Geek", "Worthless", "Freak", "Easy" and "Liar" can cut us pretty deep.  Sure, we pretend like they don't and we put up a tough exterior but the reality is that words can scar you.

The hard part about those scars is that no else can see them and no one, not even your parents, realize the damage that has been done by them.  If we are not careful, Satan can use those words to chart a course for our lives that is destructive.  As a matter of fact, that is the Devil's ultimate goal: your destruction.  So how can we heal our scars?  Is it even possible?

Last night, we looked at the story of a man that was tormented by demons (Mark 5:1-20).  He had been controlled by voices that were literally in his head...and the rest of his body!  So much so that he resorted to cutting himself and attacking others.  This story seems like something out of a Stephen King novel but the truth of the matter is that the voices that speak to you about being a loser, are driven by Satan.  And these voices can become so loud that at times you cut yourself, get drunk, get high and even consider suicide.  So you too, like the demoniac, can be controlled by the voices in your head and can hurt yourself and others.  

The great thing about this story is that the man that is possessed meets Jesus.  After meeting Jesus, the voices stop.  The demons are cast out...INTO A HERD OF PIGS!!!  Crazy right? The demons preferred a bunch of stink swine to a face-to-face with the Son of God.  After meeting Jesus, the guy was at peace.  He was found sitting in a field, playing his guitar and singing "Don't Worry Be Happy"...okay I made the song part up.  But seriously, he had found peace and the voices were silent.  Guys, Jesus can put a stop to the torment that you sometimes feel.  You need to know that those aren't the voices of God that you are hearing, that are calling you worthless.  It is the voice of Satan.  If you come to Christ, He can replace the torment with peace.  The Bible says that Jesus went to the cross with the sin (hatred, low self esteem...etc) that is causing you pain and it was nailed to the cross with Him (2 Cor. 5:20:21).  

Instead of being called worthless, God sees you as having eternal value.  Instead of being called a freak, He calls you His child.  Now you are no longer a liar, but you are His masterpiece that is being transformed day by day.  Jesus is waiting to have a relationship with you.  Are you ready to take a step toward Him?  If you do, let us know about.  We'd love to show you how.
